Personal training in martial arts

Discover the power within you – with individual coaching for kickboxing, BJJ, self-defense and fitness! Do you want to get fit, develop your fighting and self-defense skills and build mental strength at the same time? Our personal training offers you exactly that! Enter the world of martial arts, learn effective self-defense techniques and take your fitness to a new level.

Why personal training?

Because it is individualized to your needs. Whether you are a beginner or have previous experience – we will design the coaching according to your goals and requirements. You set the pace and we make sure you get the best out of yourself. During our individual coaching sessions, we combine traditional martial arts techniques with modern fitness methods. You will gain physical strength as well as mental balance. The perfect mix to be able to act confidently in any situation of life.

Set goals – achieve goals

Your personal coaching with Alexander Weber

Asgard Sport Academy

Wehntalerstrasse 123
8057 Zurich

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