Fit & safe with kickboxing

Kickboxing – for ladies only. Ladies’ kickboxing is the ultimate martial arts & fitness class in which the body is challenged on all levels, such as endurance, strength, speed, dynamics, coordination, agility and body tone. A variety of exercises from different martial arts such as boxing and Muay Thai are combined with fitness and sports programs making ladies’ kickboxing truly unique!

Full-body workout and stress reduction

Are you looking for a new way to recharge your batteries? Then you are in the right place doing kickboxing – for ladies only! Ladies’ kickboxing at Asgard Sport Academy is characterized by a wide-ranging self-defence system and full-body training – the incredible group dynamic ensures all the motivation you need! You will improve your strength, endurance, agility, coordination and speed, burn a lot of calories and forget about your everday worries. Ladies’ kickboxing is designed for all levels of fitness – every participant can work on their own challenges.

Asgard Sport Academy

Wehntalerstrasse 123
8057 Zurich

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